Wednesday 27 August 2014

An artists impression

I love drawing, I always have. I remember constantly drawing when I was younger (when I wasn't eating grass/making homes for woodlice). I'm not going to lie, most of the time my pictures were very much below average and there's only so many times you can pass them off as a surreal piece. It wasn't until school that my self portraits stopped looking like Rod Stewart and a little more like me - they still weren't great though. I just can't draw, I'm really not a very good artist. I struggle with faces still, at the age of twenty I've seemingly regressed to my four year old self, my faces are beginning to look more and more like Scottish singers. I just should probably stop, my art is starting to get offensive.
      With art you really have to focus, you really have to get everything right - it takes time. Artists struggle with doing things by half measures. They put all their effort into it to make it perfect. An artists masterpiece is a prized possession. An artist knows every detail they had to put in to make it and they know all of the preparation it took to make this masterpiece - it's not just an off chance thing.
'You are my work of art, individually created by me for a purpose' Ephesians 2:10. God is an artist and God created us. We are not an accident, we haven't been made as an off-hand production, we are the real deal, made by a real artist. He looks us and knows that we are good. We have been made by the great artist, who knows how many hairs we have on our heads. He took His time when He was creating, He knew what He was doing. He knew the quirks He was giving you, the way you laugh and smile. He knew your mind and your heart long before your parents did. He is your creator, the artist and your ultimate father. He delights in the creation He has made. Artists don't delight in accidents.
       We are made by Him to serve Him. He loves us already, we don't need to aim to please Him - we don't need to try and fill our lives up with the holiest of things and hate ourselves when we miss up. The great thing about it is God delights in us as his masterpieces. He loves us, every little bit of us. To Him we are beautiful, we are created in His image and made to do His work. We are also made individually - this means we are not made to be like everyone else, we are not made to conform. We are  born as an individual, with our own traits and personality. We shouldn't aim to be someone else. No matter how much the world tries to tell us different, you are the best person you can be, you are worth it, you - individually - are amazing. Not all artists images are the same, but they're all beautiful, they all have had work put into them. Works of art are priceless, so are you.

You have been created and designed by a great artist. He made you beautiful and unique to do the work that He wants you to do in your way. We all have different skills and talents that God has given us, we have been chosen for these - the creator has individually chosen us.

Don't ever be less than what He has made you. You're a child of the King, nothing can change that.


Sunday 17 August 2014

Let the darkness tremble

So this blog comes in wake of the sad news of Robin Williams' passing. You would have seen the posts on various social networking sites marking the death of the amazing actor - clips of his great films, hilarious characters and famous one-liners. You would've also seen the reason for Robin Williams' death - depression. A dictionary definition for this word is; 'severe, typically prolonged feelings of despondency and dejection'. Depression isn't just a state of mind, it's a life sentence. We've been ignoring it for too long, depression isn't something people can just wait out, a mind set that if we take a long deep breath we can get over. It's a bondage over our life, heart and mind. We need to stop treating it at arms length, referring people to countless doctors and counsellors - brushing it off as someone being a bit sad or 'hormonal', we need to start treating like the illness it is and treat it with love. Depression, anxiety and worry all become part of people's lives, they live and breathe it. The only way I can fully describe it is like when you're trying to catch a breath and you just can't - for some reason you can't breathe, you can't fully inflate your lungs. It steals your life and every ounce of happiness you may have, it takes over everything you do, your intimacy with people, your work ethic, your way of life - everything. As Christians we have ignored it for too long. We have let the dark hand of depression, anxiety, panic, bipolar strangle the hearts of many. We turn our nose up at it - leaving it up to those who 'really know what they're doing'. We offer to drive people to see a counsellor or to have a chat - but we ignore the actual problem. The fact that this illness needs healing.
     I don't think I'm alone when I say I believe in a God that can heal. We have heard countless times of times God's shown up and removed tumours, healed broken legs and even risen people from the dead - so why do we ignore this? The illness of depression. Some people will turn away from reading this, for years the word 'depression' has been seen as a dirty word, a word Christians don't know or have never experienced because God offers love, peace and joy. Many Christians don't believe that people who love God can get depression - how could they? God's love is so amazing and when you trust in God, you feel His peace. This factor has left people who have depression or anxiety or any similar illness rejected by the church. Christians aren't meant to feel like this. Church's are keen on speaking on trusting in God gives you peace - but does this mean people who struggle with depression and anxiety are doing something wrong? We need to, as a church, a body of Christ, learn how to encourage those who need it, but not patronise. It's a very difficult balance to get, but once we get it - it makes a world of difference.
     Depression is on the rise - and as a lover of the father God I believe we can stand against it. We can pray and minister into people's lives, not treat them as if they are lesser than what they have been made to be. We need to take away the life sentence of depression - I want to live in a world where depression is just a memory. Anxiety shouldn't be something that stops people from doing things, you shouldn't have to label yourself as a bit of a 'worrier'. Christ is a healer and will heal. We should be able to breathe again. We need to be a family and not forget that we are a family, our brothers and sisters are crying out - those who suffer from depression or any mental illness are yearning for love from the church, love that is genuine - people who cry when they cry, who laugh when they pray and commit to praying in order for an ultimate healing. It has no right in this place, it has no right to take the lives of teenagers, of children, of mothers or fathers - it has no right here. Pray against it.
      I would also like to say at this point, you are not weak. It's tough hearing people at church talking of joy and love, especially when you're in a place in your life where you struggle even to get up in the morning, where you spend hours agonising over impossible situations in your head. YOU ARE NOT WEAK.  Stormy seas may sway you, but you will never be washed away. You need to know that the father of all, the king of kings loves you and delights in you. He simply can't get enough of you. He knew you before you were born, He has your life planned out. His heart breaks as He sees you go through this turmoil. Allow God in. I know it's so easy to say, but abandon yourself to God - allow Him into your heart. Surround yourself with Him - let the darkness tremble. Speak the name of Jesus into your life - the devil must flee when His name is spoken.

God is moving, God is shaping a generation - do not let things get in the way of this. Know freedom, know God's plan, do not listen to the lies of the devil. He loves to tell you how little you are worth, how weak you are, how you will never be out of this pit. BUT IN JESUS NAME, I believe in a freedom like no other. His cooling river of peace to wash over you. Pray until something happens, persist and don't give up - get rid of the safety blanket and allow Him to shake you up. Allow His love and goodness in. And know you are not alone.



Jesus answered: "I am the way and the truth and the life: no one comes to the Father but through Me." John 14:6

For years I had an alter-ego, this was someone who I would always blame for the things I did wrong, her name was Gemma. She would literally get the blame for everything - in my naive mind I thought this prevent me from getting into trouble, obviously this was not case, but this didn't stop me from blaming her. I never wanted to get into any sort of trouble, so of course I'd blame her. Ideally, Gemma would take all of my blame and be the reason why I did things wrong (of course, years later my parents haven't let me forget...) I always felt like so I didn't get the punishment, I wanted something else to take the blame. But my main problem was that Gemma didn't exist and I would always end up getting the punishment.
How great is this - God has paid the way! When sin is concerned He has made a way to eternal life. Sin, shame, regret is pinned to the cross.

We know that - we're taught that from a young age pretty much. But only when we really study the above verse do we actually get some sort of insight to the incredible sacrifice Christ made - so that we may have a clear way to heaven and to God, the father. He took the blame and the suffering so that we may find freedom. It's pretty amazing, the deepest darkest parts of our lives - Christ took for His own. Not only does He give us freedom, but He offers us joy, love everlasting, peace, goodness - it goes on! He paid the price - He took the blame, He served the time. We don't need to have any other sacrifice to gain the glory of God. There is a new covenant made in Christ (this was at the last supper), we no longer need to live in a place where we feel a blockade between us and God, we no longer need to make a sacrifice like in the Old Testament (it was common to kill a lamb). Jesus is the lamb and has made the way to full life in Christ. Through Him all things are made new. When we are born again, when our way to God is made - we have a new identity - our identity in Him, all things gone. All blame, punishment, sin - gone. Our new life is our life. You don't remember anything before you were born do you? So when you were born again, Christ makes no list of your transgressions against Him. A way has been made to fullness in Christ. The way is Christ. He took our punishment, so that we may have life.


Wednesday 13 August 2014

What is church?

What is church? Genuinely, what's your answer to that question? Is it 'a building, with a steeple' or are you a little bit more theological then that and your answer is 'it's a fellowship of Christians, coming together to love and worship God' - which is it? I don't mean to patronise you, but both of these answers are shallow and in some ways completely wrong.

I've always been in the mentality that church is a Sunday thing, happening once a week where we all dress up, look our best and leave our worries at the door. We all smile and laugh - eating the chocolate bourbons, drinking the fair-trade coffee. We have the perfect looking families and have that fixed look of euphoria whenever we worship God, we can give a scripture perfectly at any given moment (although, I did this once and realised I'd quoted Night at the museum rather than the Bible) and share 'Christian jokes'. To be honest, this isn't always what we're feeling. I know there's times I've gone to church and gone through the motions. In my first year of university especially I was going through a really tough time with God, but I'd still go to church every Sunday and smile and put my hands up in the right places - but it would all be empty. I didn't want to admit to anyone that I was having a bad time of it. My idea of church was that I have to be happy, I have to be together and have it all sorted on a Sunday morning, nobody really wanted to know my crap. Is this what church is becoming?

As Christians we are so keen on spreading the good word - this is great - but we miss out key parts. God didn't come for the ones who have it all together.; 'I have not come to call the righteous but the sinners to repentance' Luke 5:32. So many Christians take this as 'well Christians aren't all perfect', yeah this is true - but this isn't wholly what Jesus meant. He meant basically that He came for everyone. He came for the cheaters, the liars, the murderers - as much as He came for the gossips and bullies. But, this is something we forget - something that we do not put as our forthcoming message. With the smiles and the sharp suits we give the impression that we have it all together. We need to stop this, we need to stop putting people off. Church needs to stop being a stage for Christians and start becoming a sanctuary for everyone. Church shouldn't be about the performance, but about the help. We need to establish the grounds in which people are coming to the church. It should become a place that is attractive, and not just a place full of 'weird Christians'. We need to make our main message that of one that will attract non-Christians - not ones that will put people off. Our main ideology (if you like), should be one of love. Ourselves we need to know that a church is a safe place, we don't have to put on pretences in order to please the man sitting next to you. Church shouldn't be just for the Christians.

On a Sunday, come just as you are - don't bottle it up, suit it and boot it. Come with a honest vulnerability and hunger for more of God - we get it, not everything is great all the time.

'Church shouldn't be a museum for saints, but a hospital for sinners'


Thursday 7 August 2014

Appeal: persecuted church

Work camps, stonings, being hunted in the dead of night and heckled for your beliefs - these strong images bring back the horrors of 20th Century Europe. But the real horror is when we realise that this is not just history - this is happeneing now. Christians are being killed today.

I am blessed that I live in a country that allows freedom of religion. We are encouraged to learn more about different faiths and taught not to discriminate people against what they choose to believe. But this isn't the case for the whole of the world. Sadly, this is not the case for the majority of the world. Christians live in fear all over the world, fear that their homes will be raided and they'd be arrested or killed simply for following Jesus. Lovers of Christ meet up in secret, in underground dug-outs in order just to have simple fellowship, just to have church. They risk their lives if they share their faith and talk about Jesus. They aren't just sought out, they are ruthlessly killed, in cold blood.
    Recent reports have shown that in countries like Iraq, Christians are being hunted down and crucified. If they do not denounce their faith and accept the ways of life condoned by the murderers they are killed. Every year around 163,000 Christians are killed. 200 million Christians are being persecuted world wide. These people cannot pray or openly talk about their faith. They are murdered for no reason other than Jesus.

You may not think this is a cause necessarily close to your heart - but how can it not? Our brothers and sisters are being killed,  for no crime. Tortured, whilst remaining innocent. Humiliated, for loving Christ. This situation needs to be sorted. We need to pray and petition. We need to pray for our governments to open their eyes, for the captives to be set free, for extremist groups to be destroyed in Jesus name