Wednesday 27 August 2014

An artists impression

I love drawing, I always have. I remember constantly drawing when I was younger (when I wasn't eating grass/making homes for woodlice). I'm not going to lie, most of the time my pictures were very much below average and there's only so many times you can pass them off as a surreal piece. It wasn't until school that my self portraits stopped looking like Rod Stewart and a little more like me - they still weren't great though. I just can't draw, I'm really not a very good artist. I struggle with faces still, at the age of twenty I've seemingly regressed to my four year old self, my faces are beginning to look more and more like Scottish singers. I just should probably stop, my art is starting to get offensive.
      With art you really have to focus, you really have to get everything right - it takes time. Artists struggle with doing things by half measures. They put all their effort into it to make it perfect. An artists masterpiece is a prized possession. An artist knows every detail they had to put in to make it and they know all of the preparation it took to make this masterpiece - it's not just an off chance thing.
'You are my work of art, individually created by me for a purpose' Ephesians 2:10. God is an artist and God created us. We are not an accident, we haven't been made as an off-hand production, we are the real deal, made by a real artist. He looks us and knows that we are good. We have been made by the great artist, who knows how many hairs we have on our heads. He took His time when He was creating, He knew what He was doing. He knew the quirks He was giving you, the way you laugh and smile. He knew your mind and your heart long before your parents did. He is your creator, the artist and your ultimate father. He delights in the creation He has made. Artists don't delight in accidents.
       We are made by Him to serve Him. He loves us already, we don't need to aim to please Him - we don't need to try and fill our lives up with the holiest of things and hate ourselves when we miss up. The great thing about it is God delights in us as his masterpieces. He loves us, every little bit of us. To Him we are beautiful, we are created in His image and made to do His work. We are also made individually - this means we are not made to be like everyone else, we are not made to conform. We are  born as an individual, with our own traits and personality. We shouldn't aim to be someone else. No matter how much the world tries to tell us different, you are the best person you can be, you are worth it, you - individually - are amazing. Not all artists images are the same, but they're all beautiful, they all have had work put into them. Works of art are priceless, so are you.

You have been created and designed by a great artist. He made you beautiful and unique to do the work that He wants you to do in your way. We all have different skills and talents that God has given us, we have been chosen for these - the creator has individually chosen us.

Don't ever be less than what He has made you. You're a child of the King, nothing can change that.


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