Wednesday 25 June 2014

We should all want to be ginger

I'm not a natural ginger, but for the short few years that I've rocked the red headed look I've experienced just a taster of anti-gingerness. People really have an issue with gingers - I don't really see where it's come from, but it's obvious. It doesn't conform with the blondes and brunettes of society, it's OTT and orange. Famous gingers are known mainly for their hair colour (however, for fancy dress this usually means us gingers are able to dress up in an old school uniform - donning a cape and witches hat and claim to be a Weasley). We are race in ourselves. We are admired by some (usually older women who tell you how nice your hair colour is - trying to convince you/themselves that it's okay), feared by many...but we are our own people. So what if we don't conform, we stand out and as we grow older and the carrot taunts fade into Indian sunset comments and we happily claim; GINGER AND PROUD! Not conforming is kind of cool.
        I know I'm not a natural red-head, but I love being ginger. I love how it does stand out (and hey, people think it's natural anyway). It's interesting and different. The idea of not conforming is something that has also stuck out to me recently. In the Bible it says; 'Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind' (Romans 12:2). This is a pretty simple message - do not become part of this world, in the way it goes about things. There are many things in the world that are desirable, we can go along with our friends or different ways people live their lives - that do seem attractive, but these things are part of the world and not part of God's plan. Conformity does not make us stand out - it makes us of the world, doing the things they do. The world sees no difference in the way we act to the way they act - how can they see God in you? We should all endeavour to let God shine out - for Him to be our main attraction, the light in our lives that others see.
       I've experienced what it's like to want to be part of the world - I'm not narrow minded and I am able to draw from my own experience. It seems great, we want to fit it, to conform. The idea of being 'a ginger' frightens us. We strive to fit it, to not seem weird (especially because people think Christians are weird anyway). We go the way of the world. But this doesn't work out - this is empty, this doesn't offer us a future. Our renewed mind in Christ should offer us that future, that promise. Be in the world, but not of the world. Basically, don't cut yourself off from people, putting yourselves into Christian bubbles, looking down on people, condemning them - but don't fall into the routine that they do. Both ways are harmful and won't help your spiritual growth or that of others. Conformity isn't the only problem - removing yourselves from people is to. You need to go into every situation with God and protection - but be a friend, not a judge

Don't conform to the crowd, stand out and be proud (I don't know why I'm now rhyming).


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