Saturday 14 June 2014

I make good gravy

There always seems to be that one person who is good at EVERYTHING. They seem to effortlessly be able to go out and do everything they set their mind to. They can sing, dance, act, look good whilst laughing - pretty much do everything. I, however, am not one of those people. But I admit that, I have finally come to the realisation that I am not especially talented, but God delights in me anyway. This didn't stop my parents from encouraging me in all my endeavours. As a child I learnt ballet, violin, flute, had singing lessons, rode a horse (once) and was encouraged with acting. Clearly none of these talents really worked out, but my parents were keen to encourage me either way, they made sure that if I wanted to do it I could. I learnt pretty early on that it's tough to be talented - you have to stick it out, it doesn't come naturally to you. I also learnt that with the right encouragement and support you are able to do what you set your mind to (or in my case willingly accept defeat). In fact, once when I asked my friends what my talents were I was given 'makes good gravy', which I'm cool with. I do make good gravy.
    It seems in the Christian world that there are two types of talent; the worship leaders and the preachers. Everything else is what we say when we feel people need humbling. It seems that everybody aspires to be up at the front being the all singing, all dancing leaders in the church - because God loves those people more, right? Growing up in church has taught me a lot of things and one of the main things was that a lot of people aim high - missing out a few key things on the way. They become a servant to themselves and not to God. They forget that we are here to serve the Living God - that does not just come in the form of being at the front (that does help), but being in the background. The talents don't just end at what we can see, but what God sees.
    It's tough growing up with older siblings, my sister was the clever, pretty one who seemed to do amazingly at school. My older brother was the same (maybe not so much pretty, but he had the banter). Grace played the clarinet and Alexander played the drums, even my little brother  plays the guitar. It's pretty tough. I know what it's like to seemingly have no talent. I sort of came to a point in my life where I was just going to be a nice person (still working on that one...), but then God really spoke to me. Just because I wasn't necessarily talented with things that people see as being great talents (Godly talents) didn't mean that I wasn't blessed with talents of my own. It also didn't mean I was less holy because I could strum four chords on a guitar. (DISCLAIMER: I'm not for one second suggesting that people who lead worship/preach lack talent, you guys just got it good).
     God delights in all we do, talents don't go as far as what we can show off in a talent show - but certain attributes fall under he heading of 'Talents'. We are giving certain things we can act with - we are blessed our personalities, our attitudes toward different things and the way in which we approach things. An example of this is my friend (not going to name her because it'll be awkward), but she is talented and not necessarily in the obvious ways - well she is, but there not the things that stick out for me. She is kind, loving, willing, encouraging (the amount of times she's encouraged me with blogging and writing - I make her read all my stuff because I know she'll help and encourage as oppose to mock and hinder), she is so servant hearted that it is heart warming to see. You might not think these attributes are talents - but I truly believe they are, she has a child-like spirit, of which I am envious - but that adds to her character, it's one of her talents. She doesn't have to make a big deal of it, but her talents are obvious.  It's such a pleasure to watch her grow and to have her with me, the talents she possesses help me realise my own talents. The encouragement she offers is great - it changes a lot.
     On a little side not I would like to approach encouragement, as I mentioned above my parents would be keen to encourage me in all I did. Encouragement goes so far, if someone is good at something or shows talented attributes you need to encourage them, most of the time they aren't even aware of what they're doing, they're never encouraged - this is a tough part of it. We are told in the Bible to encourage one another - this does not mean only encourage those who are easy to encourage.  ' Therefore encourage one another and build each other up, just as in fact you are doing' (1 Thessalonians 5:11). When we encourage one another we build each other up, we let people know that what they're doing is good. Just because it doesn't seem like a 'worthy enough talent' doesn't mean that it is. Encourage those around you, the quiet ones, the ones who pours the after service coffee, the prayer ministry, the woman who always asks how you are and actually shows an interest. God delights in each and every one of them, just as much as the man on the stage- their talents are noticed by Him so therefore should be really noticed by us.
    Everyone is talented. We all have different attributes which add to our character. As cliche and patronising as it does sound - sometimes just being a kind person is a talent, offering up your time to work in church, being that one person who makes sure the little old lady at that back has somebody to talk to shows your true servant loving heart. These talents are spoken about so much and so often we see them pass us by. Engage with your talents, just because you're not at the front doesn't limit you,  God has empowered you with talents that make you who you are. Find yours out and work on them, don't do them for your glory - but for the glory of God.


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