Tuesday 24 June 2014

Go, go, go Joseph

One time during a sleepover my friend sat up in bed (she was asleep) and shaking her doll pointed toward the dark corner. I HAVE NEVER BEEN SO FREAKED OUT IN MY LIFE. It was literally the creepiest moment of my life (I don't know if it helps that I am petrified of the dark). I have no idea what she was dreaming about, but dreams are weird. I don't just mean the ones that result in you pointing to random parts of the room - but the ones that we have that make us think about our lives. When I was much younger I always had a dream job - I wanted to be a rabbit (yeah, it's pretty cute). I was committed to this dream, my parents humoured me, probably. I really wanted to be a rabbit. Alas, due to quite obvious reasons I was never able to do this. As I grew up I realised that it was impossible, I gained new job prospects ranging from being a vet to being an actor. I never really pursued these ideas (I'm doing an English degree, I am freaked out by most animals and can be painfully shy). But I still dreamed big. It was the only way.

Let's talk about Joseph. *SPOILER ALERT* He was a big dreamer - his whole life was based on dreams. He also got a pretty fabulous coat out of it. Definitely one of the Bible's best dressed. He had dreams that confused him but also built him up. He was part of a big family - all boys, even the notion. They all had a bit of an issue with Joseph- poor little Joey. They basically thought him as really cocky. He was their dad's favourite and never had to do any work. He then had the audacity to tell them how their corn was going to bow down to his. (You should really check out the musical with Donny Osmond - just fantastic.) So, they decided to kill him - well attempt to kill him. They attacked him and left him for dead - but then, change of heart - they decided to sell him off to some Israelites and make him go to Egypt. Harsh. I don't think I'd ever sell any of my brothers, well maybe Reuben...(totally joking). Fast forward a little, Joseph is working for Potiphar (pretty important guy in Egypt) - he's committing to it, doing all he can and gets a promotion. But all is not well, he's caught the attention of Potiphar's wife - who really wants a piece. Of course, Joseph being a good and faithful servant rejects her - but to his horror she tells her husband different. This results in Joseph getting chucked into jail. Knocked down again. He stays in prison for a while, meeting a butler and a baker (also resulting in a brilliant musical sequence in the film, with colour, flowers and a weird hippy man...). He interprets the dreams of both men - one good, one not so good (sorry Christopher Biggins). Move on a little later and the butler (the one who survived) tells the Pharaoh of this great man who can interpret dreams - Joseph. The Pharaoh calls Joseph to the stand and tells him of his dreams - involving cows. Joseph is able to translate these dreams and save Egypt from the famine that is going to happen (pretty good of him to be quite honest). He then becomes prime minister of Egypt. ENTER JOSEPH'S BROTHERS. Oh, how the mighty of fallen! They don't recognise their own brother - so come and fall to their knees and bow down in front of him (sound familiar?) - quick side note: there is a famine in the land where Joseph's brothers are from too - they come to Egypt because they know that Egypt is plentiful. Joseph feeds them and gives them food for their families. However, sneaky Joe puts a cup in Benjamin's bag...when he is brought up on it and sentenced to prison the brothers all fall to their knees begging Joseph to let him go. Joseph reveals himself as he realises his brothers have changed. All is well and good and his family (+ daddy Jacob) come and live with him in Egypt. The end.

Sorry if that was a little long-winded, but I was just giving you a little background. Throughout the story Joseph was beaten up, he was put into prison and ridiculed. Nobody liked him - he was favoured by people (his dad and Potiphar) but then cast out by people who wanted to destroy him. People got jealous of him and didn't like it. But Joseph didn't give up, he still had dreams. He had the dreams when he lived at home - God gave him the dreams, an insight to his future. He was thrown around and beaten, but his dreams still came true. He got knocked down, but he got back up again (resisting the urge to burst into song...). When God gives you dreams, He is going to keep to them. No matter what you go through. Joseph was rejected, but his skills and talents that were God given were able to put to the use to put him in the position God had planned for him. 
    It's not easy following God's plan  - we get knocked down a lot, but we need to get back up again and brush ourselves off. What if Joseph had admitted defeat when he knew his brothers didn't like him, or when he became a slave? He wouldn't have been promoted, he wouldn't have been able to interpret dreams, he wouldn't have been able to save Egypt. God put him in a place for a reason - he didn't have it easy, but if he did none of this would've happened. If he had never gone to prison, he would never have met the butler - he would never have known he would have been able to definitely interpret dreams...it wouldn't have made good news. God made his life the way it was to put him to the position he was in. It worked out perfectly. If God has given you dreams, don't be disheartened if things look bleak at the moment - God never gives up on His promises, dream and dream big.


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